Art Historian M.A.

Mareike Thye

Porträtfoto einer lächelnden Frau mit blauem Blumenkleid vor dunklem Hintergrund.
Why do you supervise the Special Department Jewellery, Jewels & Pocket Watches?

After studying art history, I first worked in various areas of the art and antiques sector. More and more I discovered my passion for the field of arts and crafts and especially for jewellery. I am fascinated by the diversity of individual objects and their distinctive history.

What makes your section special for you?

Each piece of jewellery is unique and reflects a piece of the cultural history of the respective time and era. However, there is always a personal story behind it – from the origin of the material, to the production by a goldsmith with her extraordinary craftsmanship skills, to the personal relationship and connection to its owners. This requires special treatment, which I will be happy to assist you with.

Why are you the right specialist for Jewellery, Jewels and Pocket Watches?

Jewellery is a great passion for me, not only in my professional life but also in my private life. By studying a wide variety of literature and visiting craft and jewellery fairs, I am constantly educating myself in order to be able to guarantee you the best possible sale or purchase of the pieces. I look forward to getting to know your treasures and the story behind them in an individual consultation with you.

Collage von zwölf Porträtfotos, jeweils in drei Reihen zu vier Bildern angeordnet, mit verschiedenen Männern und Frauen vor einem dunklen Hintergrund. Jede Person trägt Geschäftskleidung und blickt direkt in die Kamera.

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