Art Historian M.A.

Sofya Efanova

Why did you choose the Special Department Paintings from the 19th Century?

It is difficult to answer this question briefly, because it is the result of 15 years of experience in the art and antiques field, which includes both conscious steps and decisions and unpredictable coincidences. I would answer with a phrase by the early 19th century English critic and journalist, Leigh Hunt, which I recently came across by chance. He aptly and in a few words answers the question of why I once chose art as a profession and have remained faithful to that choice to this day: ‘Even the admiration of a picture is a kind of religion, or an additional attachment to our conscience, tying us back to the greatness and goodness of nature. Living alongside images gives us the opportunity to step out of ourselves, from which we can all benefit. Anything is better than a poor little unit of one person’s egoistic self’.

What makes your sections special for you?

I find it incredibly interesting to work with art in general, and with 19th and early 20th century paintings in particular, in an auction house because it is a very dynamic process. As an specialist, you are not limited to one school, one movement or one particular artist. The material is so vast and diverse that you have to constantly broaden your horizons and deepen your knowledge in different areas, I would say you have to be constantly on alert, ready for anything.

Why are you the right specialist when it comes to 19th Century Paintings?

I am ready to use all my experience and energy to value a work of art from your collection and to find an individual strategy that suits your needs to achieve a positive sales result.


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